A database on main publicly available sources of toxicity data published in Russian language.

This database is based on a literature analysis performed in the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics of NICPB, partner of the EC-FP6 project OSIRIS (Optimized Strategies for Risk assessment of industrial chemicals through integration of non-test and test information). The database contains information selected mainly from Russian scientific Journals published during the Soviet time.

Toxicity data were collected from following journals:

* Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases (Gigiena truda i professional'nye zabolevaniia, Гигиена труда и профессиональные заболевания, ISSN 0016-9919)

* Hydrobiological Journal (Гидробиологический журнал, ISSN 0018-8166)

* Inland Water Biology (Биология внутренних вод, ISSN 1995- 0829 for print version, ISSN 1995-0837 for electronic version)

Each compound is presented on a specific page including tabs:

- General information (CAS no, molecular weight, synonyms, common usage),
- Toxicity data for rodents, other vertebrates, bacteria, protozoa, algae, crustaceans, other non-vertebrates, plants, fish. The ecotoxicological data tabs are green and other toxicity data tabs are blue.
- Additional information
- Literature references

Currently, the E-SovTox database contains toxicity data selected from more than 500 articles covering more than 600 chemicals. The user is provided with main toxicity information as well as abstracts of these papers in Russian and in English (given as provided in the original publication).

Database access

The access to the online E-SovTox database may be given by the administrator after agreement of the potential user with the “Terms of use” and filling the online application form. For registered users there will be established several levels of access, each one of them requiring application for registration and validation by the administrator. Registered users may propose additional data to the database.

The database was created under the supervision of late Prof. Henri-Charles Dubourguier and the software was created and improved by Nicolas Legrand.

For more information:

Dr. Anne Kahru: anne.kahru@kbfi.ee Mariliis Sihtmäe: mariliis.sihtmae@kbfi.ee
Head of the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics MSc, research scientist

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Software (v.2.0.) created by Nicolas Legrand - dynameeks.com
